What's holding you back from growing in your career?

Maria Flores
June 24, 2022

If you do not plan anything for your week, your month, or your year; and you just hope that things by themselves will develop as you would like, you are not being realistic. To begin with, it is essential that you be clear about where you want to lead your personal and professional future, and then create a series of objectives that will lead you towards those goals. In fact, it is even better if those goals are related to the mission and objectives of our employer, and this strengthens the sense of belonging and motivation. Put your goals in writing to make them tangible, get creative, dig into your aspirations in 2 or 5 years, and focus. Being ambitious about our aspirations, while remaining realistic about our capabilities, can be a successful combination, when looking for growth. If you believe in yourself and visualize your success, you are much more likely to succeed.

Decision making

There is a great cost to an organization if the decision-making process overwhelms it and thus prevents it from making any decisions. If we add to this all the distractions we have today, it is easy to get stuck in inaction.  

A good leader is someone who knows when to act and not only makes a good decision but does it in a timely manner.

Feeding distraction

Let's face it, there's never been a shortage of distractions lately. But when your attention is directed in a million directions, it is difficult to focus your thoughts and actions. Focusing on daily tasks, and releasing internal and external distractions as they arise, can have a positive outcome on your productivity. Live a distracted life, and your goals are going to be pushed away from your future. When you find yourself jumping from one task to another, take a deep breath. Slow down and calm your mind. In this way, mindfulness helps increase effectiveness, decrease mistakes, and even enhance creativity.

Lack of Soft Skills to do the job

Your hard skills may have earned you the job, but a lack of the right soft skills will prevent you from growing within the organization. Values ​​and skills such as responsibility, honesty, integrity, a strong work ethic, emotional intelligence, self-motivation, and positive energy, are some of those that today's employers look for within their work teams. The good news is that soft skills can be learned.
Identify what are the soft skills or knowledge that you need to scale within the organization, take the initiative, and train yourself in those you need. Successful people are almost always educating themselves.

Being open-minded

Asking questions will help you reach the information you need to make better decisions. Being open-minded doesn’t just mean accepting new ideas and tolerating other people or expressing a certain degree of flexibility. Those who believe they already know everything will be sorely mistaken. In fact, a receptive posture to everyone and everything that is presented, allowing yourself to embrace various possibilities and opportunities, perspectives, suggestions, and concerns, can be the master key to success in assertive and effective communication within the work environment, in addition to favors collaboration.

So, exchange ideas regularly with your colleagues; make plans and set goals; do not get caught up in distractions and inaction; learn new things, accept respectful criticism without bitterness; appreciate and celebrate other people's accomplishments; learn constantly and don't lose sight of your goals. Maintain a positive, communicative, and above all responsible attitude; it will have wonderful effects on your work, your relationships, and your life.

We encourage you to take small steps rather than big leaps. Stretching yourself to where you want to lead to new skills, a lot of learning, and a great path to success

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