Mental Health: Tips to Set Your Team Up for Success

Maria Flores
June 22, 2022

Set your team up for success

After thousands of professionals voiced experiencing burnout in 2021; 2022 presents itself as an opportunity to help your team to have a better relationship with work and to be more productive for your company. At this point, most of us are used to the ever-changing landscape in the workplace, so adjusting to new processes and guidelines has just gotten easier for the majority. 

However, your employees' mental health, should be a top priority for you, when planning your company's path this year; especially if you are planning for employee longevity and productivity. 

So how do you encourage your employees to give you their best?
That has always been a key question when managing teams and the solution could be divided into some simple basic behavior tips that will help your team to stay healthy.

Show Them How is Done 

Lead by example. Not only with your job and way to perform and achieve goals but also taking care of yourself and providing them with the options you are willing to give them to protect their mental health. If they see you are taking care of yourself, and that this is the cornerstone of what you are trying to build, they will follow your steps.

Schedule personal time off for yourself and let them know the procedure for them to do so as well. Clear and productive minds are better than clock hostages.

Remind them and Plan it Together

Set different types of reminders, so your team members know when it is time to take a breather. Do not let it get to you. Make sure not everybody is leaving at the same time, or just accumulating to the end of the year. They will wear out, and you will be less productive as a company. 

Communicate efficiently and proactively about this subject. Once the year gets going, it is easy to just keep going and forget about you and that necessary time. 

Consider their mental health every week

Yes. Mental health is not about just giving them time off every other month. What activities can they do by themselves, or even you all as a team, while you are at the office? 

Be creative. Involve them in the process of creating the best work atmosphere possible, and make the most of each of those experiences. Five to ten minutes here and there can make a big difference.

Read The Signs

They will be there for you! Especially after working for some time with somebody, you get to identify when your team member is not being as productive as they can be. Even during a work trip, offer them some leisure time if you feel that is necessary. Show some kindness. We never really know what the other person is going through, so why not? Open your doors to them. 

You will know when to push them harder to get the most out of them, and when to give them some space so they can come back strong and put out their best performance.  

Value Their Human Side 

Your employees are humans. What a discovery! Life outside of the office can be a tricky subject, but do not be afraid to show that you are willing to share that aspect of your routines. You do spend as much or more time at work as you do at home with your family, so it is important they feel you value what they experience not only inside your company but also outside of it. 

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